If you live in one of Canada’s newest neighbourhoods, especially one built in the past decade, you know how bare it looks without trees. Compare your block to an older residential section with mature trees growing in it, and you can see the aesthetic impact they have on the surroundings. Beyond simple beauty, trees and other landscape plants improve the environment in ways you can actually feel, and feel good about.
Trees absorb significant amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and release fresh oxygen through respiration. They intercept certain particulate matter, odours, and potentially harmful chemicals that pollute the air, serving as nature’s lungs for improved urban air quality. Take a deep breath and thank a tree.
Increases in carbon dioxide (CO2) levels in the Earth’s atmosphere are indicators of global warming. Trees are crucial to sequestration, in other words, the removal of carbon from the air, and play an important role in the mitigation of the carbon footprint created by people, companies and the production of products. Planting a tree helps reduce your own carbon footprint.
Abrasive or annoying sounds can provoke psychological stress in people. Trees reduce the amount of local noise pollution, add privacy and improve the quality of life for you and your neighbours.
Temperature extremes increase home energy consumption. Properly positioned around your home, trees help reduce the cost of air conditioning by providing shade from the sun when temperatures are high. In the winter, acting as windbreaks, trees create a barrier between the building and cold, moving air helping to reduce heating costs. Trees help to reduce daily wear on building exteriors by providing protection from wind, moisture and ultraviolet rays. Feel more comfortable, and be more comfortable that you’ve saved on energy and maintenance costs.
Plants Love You™ and show it by improving the environment. In most Canadian towns and cities the tree canopy, the percentage of tree coverage compared to all other spaces, is well below sustainable levels. Help grow the tree canopy by planting a tree and improving your home and community’s environment.
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