Landscape NL Horticultural Association (LNLHA) is a non-profit professional association of business owners and operators in the landscaping and horticultural (non-food) industry sector in this province. Since forming in 1992, our association has been working for it’s members.
We are an association of like-minded people in the horticulture business, doing business with each other. You will find great value from the friendship, the experience, and the support from a diverse pool of talent that a membership with LNLHA will provide.
LNLHA is the premier association representing the horticultural industry across our province and nationally through our affiliation with the Canadian Nursery Landscape Association
1. To represent and promote the interests of our members in particular and of all sectors of the
industry in general;
2. To provide a range of services and benefits to our members and to disseminate information and
share knowledge within the industry generally on a regular timely basis;
3. To provide such information, services and products to our customers that will promote and create
sustainable, healthy and beautiful landscapes across Newfoundland and Labrador.
Elizabeth Fowler
President - LNLHA
Pierce Brennan
Vice President - LNLHA
Ryan Loveless
Treasurer - LNLHA
Doreen Layman
Past President - LNLHA
Aaron Hickey
CNLA Provincial Representative
Meghan McCarthy
Mark Bowering
John Frecker
Jan Loner
Executive Director
Maryna Pavlovska
Membership, Communications & Event Plannting